When I posted the Double Chocolate Oreo Cake I mentioned that I made cupcakes too. Since I wanted to save on dishes, I just made a double batch of I am Baker's Best Chocolate Cake, added some oreos and chunks of milk chocolate. Some cake mixtures, like this one, make awesome cupcakes because they don't seem to 'dome' as much, which I like. It just makes them easier to ice!
I love to use silicone cups instead of muffin pans, you can fit so many more into the oven at once! I just place a cupcake holder into the silicone holder so there is no mess and very little washing up! so with these liners all ready to go I popped a whole oreo into the holder...
and added milk chocolate chunks on top of that and then poured the batter into the holders about 3/4 full and baked them at the recommened baking tempreture, but kept checking on them as cupcake versions of a cake mixture tend to take a shorter time to bake.
I made one big batch of vanilla buttercream icing (find there recipe here) and divided it up into two portions, the one portion I left as plain vanilla icing, the other one I jazzed up with some oreo crumbs (made by processing oreos until the are fine crumbs) and chuncks of milk chocolate (yes, here too!)
I piped the plain vanilla icing on with a wilton M1 nozzle, and decorated these cupcakes with vanilla sugar pearls and quatered oreos. The oreo and chocolate icing ones I just swirled some icing on with a butter knife and toppped them with sugar pearls and oreos too.
Seriously divine! Yum! Check that massive chunk of chocolate. I rate these are as close to death by oreros and chocolate as you will ever come!
Since these were also for my mom in laws birthday celebration, they had to be transported. I am sure most know the terror of transporting baked goods. Its always my biggest challenge! BUT my cupcake transport problem has recently come to an end! I got this cool cupcake transporter thing for Christmas. No more worries and or ruined cupcakes yey!
These little guys made it safe and sound only to be devoured right after the braai! Ha! Anyway - its a cupcakes life!
SO - are you more of a vanilla or chocolate fan. I must admit, I love a moist vanilla cake!
07 Mar 12