Chocolate Whisper-Filled Cupcakes

I really love cupcakes! I am sure if you follow my blog you may have noticed that! There is just something extremely delightful about a personal treat. I think its even MORE delightful that you can add ANYTHING to the basic batter and create the PERFECT breakfast lunch dinner treat! I recently bought a big bag of Cadbury Whipsers (and I am very gratefull for my American translator :) Carla from Carla's Confections who translated these into Whoppers for all my U.S readers) and had no real purpose for them, so when I started working on a REAL cool give way ( that will be unveiled next week - yey) I had some extra chocolate cake batter left over that I decided to turn into cupcakes, and had the brilliant idea to add some Whispers to the batter before baking....

The results were AMAZING! The cupcakes were dark and rich (yum) and the chocolate part of the Whispers had melted and gone all gooey *swoon* and the malt part had gone soft and, well, just totally amazing... need I say more?

I had made some Caramel Frosting for THE AMAZING GIVEAWAY next week, so I used some of it on these cupcakes - wow! The combo of Chocolate, with malted chocolate balls AND caramel....mmmmm, just delish! Anyhoo - as I mentioned, Hazel was with me and was super keen to learn to do the "M1 Twirl" - and since there is hardly anything to learn about it -I gave her a quick example and let her take over the "bag"

If you have always wondered how bakers got that fantastic twirl, or made those divine roses - REALLY its in the nozzle - and its super easy!

Hazel did a really awesome job! Well done <3 Then we topped them with a chocolate whisper "cherry" and added a few pearl sprinkles just to make them extra pretty!

P.S - thanks for the wonderful day Haz!

BUT thats not all folks :) I have one last thing to share with you - ok maybe only two of you...I made these really cute tags to go with the treats I give away and I would love to make you a set for you to give away with your treats. If you leave a comment here letting me know what your fav "addition" to your cupcakes is you will be entered into the GIVEAWAY to win a 2 sets of 100 tags (so 2 people will each win 2 sets (2 different custom designs of your choice, logo etc). For additional entries you can follow me on twitter @heidihawyes or on instagram @bitsofsunshine, and because my sweet translator is always providing me with extensive translations (she once even sent me some peeps so I could taste them) you can get additional entries by following her on twitter @cwconfections or intstagram @carlasconfections. IF YOU DO ONE OF THE ADDITIONAL ENTRIES or if you ALREADY follow me on twitter/instagram just leave a comment saying so!

P.S - I wont leave you stranded without this recipe...I will share the cupcake and frosting recipe next week!!!

So...What do you add to ZUZZZ up ur cupcakes?

 1 - Laura of Tide and Thyme
2 - Sana

Please contact me so we can discuss your artwork for your tags!

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