Bakes and Treats Recipe Book

If you have been following me on Instagram and Twitter, you would have already known this was in the pipe line. I have been so excited, I couldn't keep it a secret...

ANDDDD as you may have seen I have been working on tit for quite some time!

Best of all - it was totally inspired by YOU! I started this blog with the hope that I could somehow share my experiences with others and somewhere in that process inspire them to bake, and judging by all the sweet comments, emails and tweets, you guys are inspired! Thanks so much for all your encouraging words and comments!

I filled this recipe book with the most popular recipes from this blog, so you can carry them around with you wherever you go. If you would want to - that is :). I initially never intended this book to go to print. I had decided just to make an eBook version so those who wanted to download it and enjoy it could do just that.

It's jam packed with yummyness!

And I added little tips here and there to add a special touch.


I am giving the eBook version of Bakes and Treats to you, as a gift. Just because I appreciate you so much!

You can download it from iTunes OR if you would like the ePub file to load onto your non-apple device - just send me an email requesting the eBook and I will send you a link to the downloadable file.

Bakes and Treats

It's a pleasure :)

Or you can just read it online if that's what you would prefer:

I have to add a very VERY very special thanks in here. My sweet friend Carla, from Carlas Confections, helped me with this project. She graciously and professionally edited Bakes and Treats. Thank you SO much Carla! You truly are one in a million!

SO here is the great news:

I have two of these printed copies to give away. Its my way of saying THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my blog! I really appreciate your visits and hearing your feedback!

To enter, just leave a comment, that is all. It can say anything you like! 

Entries will close at 12pm South African time on Monday 18th February 2013. Winners will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond, failing to do this, other winners will be drawn. Winners will be chosen randomly using This post is sponsored by me :)

Congratulations to:

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