Cute As a Button Butter Cookies

Hi, my name is Heidi and I am addicted to Pinterest. How many of you just opened a new tab to check on your boards? Yip – that would be me! In fact, my morning routine is pretty much get to work, have a sip of coffee,  open my browser and gawk at all the new pins! And then I check mail, and THEN my day begins. If you have never heard of Pinterest, tsk tsk, go and have a look! I PROMISE you will find something there to inspire you! My boards are expanding at an alarming rate, I started off with one food board – but it needs some serious splitting! Go and check it out if you have some time to kill, but beware –  you may never leave! If you are a regular Pinterest Junkie (and you totally identify with me), leave your Pinterest username in a comment  – I would love to follow your boards! 

And that brings me to these:

Aren’t they just as cute as a button! I had seen similar cookies somewhere, unfortunately before my days of pinning started, and I fell in love with the idea of button-like cookies.  I searched for the blog where I had originally seen them and just couldn’t find it, it made me realise how Pinterest has made my life so much easier! (I did eventually find a similar one and pinned it) Ino longer have the need for 1000s of book marks anymore, I now have a couple boards I can access from my computer, iPad or iPhone – all in pictures (let’s face it – most of us bakers are visual people!)Yey! On that topic, I have recently discovered Flipboard for iPad (thank you Dine and Dish for this post), if you are into facebook, instagram or twitter – this app is AWESOME! It makes a “magazine” layout of all the people you follow and their most recent posts – it also incorporates google reader making it easier to keep track of all the blogs I subscribe to. Just thought I would let you know!

Anyhoo – Back to the cookies! My friend, Kirsten gave me this recipe and she got it from a guy called Trevor, you have to know when a guy passes on a recipe it has to be good! So I gave it a shot, and I had wanted to try out the button technique for a VERY long time, so I took the opportunity! They are made with butter, brown sugar, cake flour, corn flour, baking powder and vanilla essence – EGG FREE – so you can munch on dough in between baking and these would make really yummy cookie dough bites or pops! First up there is some creaming and mixing

...and rolling

 and flattening

and punching little holes (a drinking straw would be ideal – but a cake pop stick was all I had!)

And baking and cooling and munching! My other friend, Nicola said something very true about these cookies: they are so good; you want to eat them like chips! Yip – that just sums it up!

 Besides being super cute, they are scrumptious – they are soft and yet crunchy and full of flavour from the brown sugar! The best thing about them is you can add all sorts of goodies to them, like cranberries, or chocolate chips or pecan nuts…the list could go on and on… I am sure if you checked on Pinterest there will be someone with a board called “Cookie Additions”!  As I said earlier – go and check Pinterest out – you will LOVE it, if you would like an invite to get your own boards going, just send me your email address and I will send you and invite, or if you already have boards of your own, please leave your username in a comment – I would love to follow your boards!

PS - I made a super quick peach crumble with some of these cookies by placing some tinned peaches in a bowl and crumbling some cookies over it and served with a dollop of ice cream – super yum!

Cute as a Button Butter Cookies:
Make about 55 cookies
250g soft butter
250ml golden brown sugar
5ml vanilla essence
500ml cake flour
125ml corn flour
5ml baking powder
Pinch of salt

  • Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla essence together until light and fluffy
  • Sift the cake flour, corn flour, baking powder and salt into the creamed mixture
  • Mix until a soft dough is formed
  • Roll into balls and flatten with your hand
  • Place and a greased or lined baking sheet and poke 2 or 4 holes in each cookie with a drinking straw
  • Bake at 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit)  for 15 – 20 min or until pale beige – do not allow them to brown
  • Allow the cookies to cool for a couple of seconds before removing from the baking sheet

I was so stoked to be nominated for the Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling by Lynna from Hearts in my Oven  (its such an awesome blog with tons of wonderful recipes - go and check it out - I am sure you will love it!) Thanks so much Lynna, you are so sweet! Part of the nomination process is that I have to say one random thing about myself in this post, and there are so many random things to here is the most random - I bring my little Yorkie, Daisy Dog, to work with me everyday - She loves it at work, in fact, she squeals whenever the car pulls into work and tears into the office to greet everyone. It takes here about 15min to settle down. She is co cute. She makes up for my lack of excitement (har de har har). Here is my little pooch:

Now its my turn to nominate!

These nominations are blogs I REALLY enjoy:

Dine and Dish -Kristen always has awsome posts on life, baking and cooking and stuff in general
Bake your Day - Cassie has awsome posts, she also has a great series called Wednesday Ramblings
Carlas Confections - Carla's posts are always so much fun! She has started a new series called Fresh Fridays with healthy recipes - good for us baking bloggers!!!
Dessert for Two - one of my favourite blogs - Christina is such an interesting person and always has wonderful posts and stunning photos!

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